Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Assignment 4 in HRM

How can the university help you achieve what you want to be in the future?

Based on my answers in assignment 2 and 3 I stated some of the possible job I want to have in the future. In order to achieve those goal there are some factors to consider. Like in the university which I enrolled now which is the University of Southeastern Philippines, they have a big role to help me in achieving my goal in studies and having a great job in the future. For me, these are some
things that the university can help me in my dreams:

• In terms of facilities in USeP (University of Southeastern Philippines) they need to improve it by placing new updated technology and systems. Like in our college the Institute of Computing we are in need of computers for our studies, laboratory exercises and online exams but as I observed the computers we are using in the laboratory are not in good condition. I want them to look forward to it for us to have a good facilities which is useful in our studies.

• Provide a classrooms which is clean and organize. Like in our college we are lack of classrooms because we dont have a building.

Many struggles I had already encountered in this university. As a student we are the important person in the school. As what I've learned, share your knowledge to the school and to other person. The school is only the guide in achieving our dreams but we are the one who can decide what kind of life we want to have in the future. Just trust yourself.