Discuss the role of a systems analyst as a project manager. (at least one thousand words) .... you need to interview an analyst/project manager ..show evidences ..
April 29,2010 me and my classmates in this subject System Analyst and Design 1 was conducted an interview to the System Analyst or the Management Information System Manager in Sta. Ana Multipurpose Cooperative (SAMULCO) who is Mr. James Bautista. In my assignment 2 I explained and discuss there about the opinion and answers of Mr. James Bautista of being a System Analyst and its characteristics. We almost had a 2 hours of conversation in his office. It was a nice experienced for us because Mr. James Bautista expressed his answers very well and it brought us lessons that I can use someday.
When Mr. James Bautista started to read the set of questions he smiled to us and formally start answering it. These are the questions that we gave to him to answer:
What is your role (system analyst) as a project manager?
Mr. James Bautista explained what is the difference between a system analyst and being a project manager. He explained that most of the time a system analyst compares to a project manager. According to him a system analyst is a person who provide solutions to a problem or somewhat we call a problem-solver and also who look to the overall scope or specification of a project, overall graph a system and making design modeling like flowcharts, UML. While a project manager is a person who manages a team, manages a project, talking to the team, a client, and to interacting with the system analyst, doing the design modeling also but in his own overview, delegate or a person who speaks or acts on behalf of an organization for the team, set time-lines for the team, project and to the client and in-charge with the people, with the client and to the hardware. For him although there's a similarities of job between a system analyst and project manager but they are different. Sometimes a system analyst in a company appoint as a project manager because the company knows the capability of a system analyst of becoming a project manager. But it is not a big deal for him about the differences between the two positions.
How do you describe yourself as a project manager in your information system department or organization (in general)?
He laughed and said it was good but quiet stressful. It is good because his knowledge is very useful in this job. He can perform well with his team. Fortunately he can manage well the project and can provide a solution to it. Without the help of his team it is possible to finish and make a project because not only a system analyst and a project manager is needed in making a project. In his team there's a project manager, system analyst, programmer (developer) and a technician or familiar with the hardware. It is stressful because we all aware that the responsibility of a project manager is not easy , most of the time he use his mind thinking of some solutions and an overview of the project he was holding. He cannot stop thinking and thinking to meet the needs of a client. Overall he is happy and proud of what job he has right now.
Can you cite related experiences of being a project manager of a team in a certain project? How do you deal with it?
He cited some examples of his project he was managing in SAMULCO. In the company he is working every year there is a general assembly with the members of the cooperative. He was task to make the assembly automated or sets all the computers in the venue where the assembly was held. In his first year with the help of his team they sets and installed an estimated of 50 computers in the said venue. They brought all the computers and around 6pm before the day of the assembly they started settings and installing all the computers and finished it around 4 in the morning. It means they had less rest in that day. The following year he suggested and provided a solution that his team was not in-charge in bringing all the computers in the venue They were only in-charge in installing and settings the computer. They started at 3 in the afternoon and finished the assigned job around 12 in the midnight. It is good for them because they done it earlier than the other year. Another year in managing his team in the company's assembly. He thought that he was not fully satisfied of the result last year. He provided it another solution. He has a list of the workers in the company, he chose some of them to help his team. After choosing people to help them they provided them a training about the kind of work they will do. Fortunately, the people he chose was doing well in training and absorbed the lessons. Mr. James was happy because his team was big and around 3 in the afternoon they started settings the computers with the people he chose and finished it 7:30 in the evening. There's a big difference and good result of what Mr. James did. He also added from his experiencing he has a client who was a foreigner and didn't know how to talk English language. He can talk to his own dialect only. Sir James was worried because he cannot understand what the client wants. They only communicate in email. Sir James thought about translating the client's message in a kind of software in order to meet and understand the needs of the client. Fortunately, in 3 months of dealing with that client it has a good result. He gave us also a nice fact about the difference between a Filipino client and American client. In a project the project manager set time-lines to it, some Filipino client is not strict in the deadline or time-lines of his project but some American client is strict and wants a daily updates of his project.
What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses as a project manager?
According to Mr. James Bautista his strength is “I know what I want, I get what I want.” And his weakness is “most of the time I think like a programmer”
Overall it was a good experienced of interviewing Mr. James Bautista because if we want to become a system analyst or a project manager someday he help us by sharing his knowledge to us.
FUTURE TECH - Case Study 3
14 years ago
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