Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Assigment 7 in HRM

Human being is the highest form of creation that God created in the world. God give us the knowledge, the skills and the talents that we have now to explore things in the world so that, we can live. God also give us the right to manage things in the world. We, humans has the capacity to find ways and means to improve our borrowed talents by educating ourselves. We can manage ourselves in doing things around us. We can easily organize a group to improve our community but we know the fact it is difficult to manage human because of our individuality in attitude and character. God made us unique from other person, each of us has own thoughts, decisions and feelings in an organization we cannot perfectly impose a rules because someone is contradicting it. There's a saying that we cannot place everybody.

According to a book entitled Business Organization and Management (Authors: Gutierrez, Pura and Garcia)

The most complicated problem of business is people. Technical processes may be mastered; requirements of materials may be correctly figured; plants and offices may be built according to required specifications; and intricate machines may be devised to perform with accuracy; but if the human elements in business are disregarded, trouble is ahead. Human beings essentially differ from each other. They cannot be standardized like inanimate things. They are dynamic, not static. The most certain thing about people is their uncertainty.

Human beings are also, to a certain extent, selfish, both by nature and by environment. A person who is an altruist is one who has regard for; and is devoted to the interest of others than himself alone. Altruism is a desirable trait to be aspired for but is, generally, hard to find among people in its ideal form. There are some people who seem to lack even a trace of altruism in their makeup; still others believe that there is such thing as enlightened self-interest, which may be made to benefit everybody through cooperation. Thus,
self-interest and the welfare of others do not have to conflict with each other.
Both can be achieved or satisfied at the same time.

The Basic Personnel Problem: The basic problem about personnel is that ----- the employer has work to do done. The employee wants to receive for his work, enough money to live according to the standard of living as established for himself. When the employer has to pay too much to get the work done, the increased costs will be reflected in the higher price of the finished product to the point of diminishing orders from customers. On the other hand, if the employee cannot get the money that he thinks he is worth, he will leave the job, or look for another job elsewhere.